New York State Association of Regional Councils (NYSARC) Water Resource Program
The New York State Association of Regional Councils (NYSARC) consists of nine locally created councils that represent the majority of the counties in New York State. Regional Councils study the needs and conditions of a region and provide comprehensive planning for coordinated growth and development. Regional Councils promote intergovernmental cooperation, work to maximize economic opportunities, and facilitate dialogue between state and federal governments and local municipalities. The NYSARC Water Resources Management Program focuses on comprehensive water resource planning, protection, and management. New York’s Regional Councils have been active in water resources management since the 1970s with support from various federal Clean Water Act funding programs provided through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). Water resource funding often comes from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund with support through the NYSDEC, NYS DOS, US EPA, and other funding sources.
Since 1988, NYSARC members have worked closely with local governments on water resource initiatives that include:
- watershed planning
- source water protection
- nonpoint source pollution control
- stormwater and floodplain management
- streambank and soil erosion
- water quality/quantity monitoring
outreach, training, and education
alprograms - technical assistance
- GIS mapping
- data collection
- state public participation assistance
- watershed restoration and protection strategies